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    Please note that there is a popup after 10 seconds on this page. It offers you a completely free copy of Decode Your Relationships. If you click on any of the above blocks before 10 seconds it will not appear. Sorry if it irritates. I know they do myself but I want to offer people a copy of my books by way of an introduction to Astromagnetica. Thank you for your patience. When the waters in the womb break and, shortly thereafter, a child is born, he/she is instantly tethered to the earth’s magnetic field through magnetite in the brain. This magnetic coding is fixed forever and is one of…

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             Diplomatic, charming, intuitive, compassionate, sensitive, creative, flexible, compliant, good communicator, intellectual. The magnetic polarity of [+] [+] and [-] [-] in any formation brings to mind “balance”.  Alas, ‘tis a lost cause as the hand sits on twelve for just the briefest of moments. It is mostly either approaching or receding from the point of the strike.  These magnetic types can be nervy and cool at the same time. There is always a striving towards keeping the hand on 12.  It makes them surreptitiously nervous.  It makes them self-doubting.  And it makes them silently scream inwardly as they allow themselves to be taken advantage of… well, to a point!…

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      Generous, warm, persuasive, co-operative, stage lovers, idealistic, ethical, enthusiastic, full frontal. You might think I am going to suggest that you put your dark glasses on for crash, bang, wallop, here come the bobby dazzlers; especially, after what I said about the 4+/0- types!  Not a chance.  Stand down.  Remember, surface personality is not a direct reflection of the code but a result of it.  The code predetermines the core innate self. For example, 4+/0- might give you the impression of what you think a  person must be like and vice versa.  It’s only an impression – the real them will be revealed to you by familiarity. So, whilst 3+/1- may…

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        Determined, self-reliant, unyielding, strong, persistent, forceful, reserved, needs personal space, sophisticated, seeks pleasure. Fiery! That is the best word to describe those whose magnetic polarity is made up of three receivers and one transmitter. It may seem strange to say that. It might appear to be more appropriate for their direct opposites, 3+/1- but unlike them, it is a quiet, subdued, smouldering fieriness. 1+/3- can erupt almost without warning.  They have a great capacity for absorbing energy so, unsurprisingly, they can become very irascible when they want things to go their own way. They demand attention and thrive on being adored.  They need the light and will do anything to…

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      Patient, prudent, stable, reliable, hard-working, ambitious, disciplined, logical, governed by service and duty to others. Let’s be absolutely clear, we are talking serious inductive power here. Whereas those with four transmitters 4+/0- blast and blow, huff and puff their way to your attention, 0+/4- quietly, purposefully and powerfully just draw it from you.  A great team captain, they are supreme at appearing benign and masking their vice-like grip of power over everything around them. This means these people can take all you have got and more.  They could be incredibly manipulative with their power to absorb but it is so great it actually overwhelms any desire they may have to…

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    Dynamic, energetic, passionate, enterprising, adventurous, restless, competitive, leadership skills, strong, single-mindedness, loves a good laugh. In a word, ‘hellraisers’.  From battlefields to business,  this type like ‘order’.  A perfect Flanker in a rugby team, they are prepared to wait and can be stubborn, which is another word for determination.  They are also friendly – friendly to everyone. Very ‘surface’, they are ‘people’ people and love getting ‘stuck in’ and working hard. They have incredible energy and they appear to have a child-like honesty about them and their dealings with others. Oddly, not many of them ever do rise to be the one in charge and I think this is the…

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    Book of Learning

    INTRODUCTION When your parents asked you as child what you wanted to be when you grew up, you no doubt had eccentric dreams and great plans of becoming an astronaut, only for a more practical path to be realised. We exist in a world of virtual system, division, hierarchy and ‘the 1{c0ed3390df44a7dadf193de048cc185bbe47f2097111fce34c1e920c87f14c6b}’ wealth inequality. We are all clambering to shine, conform, define and achieve, often uncertain of how successful our choices will be and where we’ll end up. But what if I told you that you could have been a great astronaut? And, if not a great astronaut, then, perhaps, the greatest physicist or mathematician to aid the greatest astronaut?…

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  • Astrology Articles

    The Four Horsemen

      26 Mar 1941 13 Apr 1949 28 Mar 1942 9 Apr 1967 Aries/Year of the Snake Aries/Year of the Buffalo Aries/Year of the Horse Aries/Year of the Goat 2+/2- 2+/2- 3+/1- 1+/3-  Richard Dawkins Christopher Hitchens Daniel Dennett Sam Harris The Four Horsemen is the title of a discussion group they formed and recorded on Youtube in 2007 – see below for reference. These men are some of the leading scientific and philosophical minds of our time, and I have long been an admirer.  However, it would be fair to suggest that they would baulk at what I propose in astromagnetica. There is justifiable reason for this: it needs…

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    Described by Wikipedia thus: Melatonin, also known as N-acetyl-5-methoxy tryptamine, is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland in animals and regulates sleep and wakefulness. Melatonin is also produced in plants where it functions as a first line of defense against oxidative stress. It is essential we produce it constantly for it quickly disappears from our bodies. We only produce melatonin when we sleep. It has to be concluded that it is likely, given that the pineal gland performs this function, that the magnetite is the ‘clock element’ that instructs the pineal gland when ‘night’ is because we do not produce melatonin in daylight. If you were to fall asleep in the…

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