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    Please note that there is a popup after 10 seconds on this page. It offers you a completely free copy of Decode Your Relationships. If you click on any of the above blocks before 10 seconds it will not appear. Sorry if it irritates. I know they do myself but I want to offer people a copy of my books by way of an introduction to Astromagnetica. Thank you for your patience. When the waters in the womb break and, shortly thereafter, a child is born, he/she is instantly tethered to the earth’s magnetic field through magnetite in the brain. This magnetic coding is fixed forever and is one of…

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    Donald Trump v Barack Obama

      14 Jun 1946 4 Aug 1961 26 Oct 1947 Gemini/Year of the Dog Leo/Year of the Buffalo Scorpio/Year of the Pig 4+/0- 2+/2- 2+/2- Donald Trump Barack Obama Hilary Clinton   It barely needs to be said but from a plus/minus point of view Trump and Obama could hardly be more different.  Trump is dogmatic, determined and driven and apt to change his mind to suit his purpose for the end result is what matters to 4+ not the means of getting there whereas Obama is an equivocater, duplicitous and considerate in his manner and choices and careful not to offend and uses intelligence rather than muscle because he’s…

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    Click on image title or name to see breakdown of each band Any shift from equal transmitters (+) or receivers (-) indicates a greater or lesser imbalance in the groups total identity or stage presence.  The more transmitter (+) energy, the less effort needed on stage to produce/attract audience attention. The more receiver (-) energy, the greater effort needed on stage to produce/attract audience attention. The only group in history with perfect balance is The Beatles until The Travelling Wilburys and George Harrison (4 Receivers type) was in both. <?php echo do_shortcode(“”); ?>

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    There are only 5 types of human being according to the magnetic code. They consist of 4 electromagnetic poles of + and – activity. They range from 0+/4- to 1+/3- to 2+/2- to 3+/1– to 4+/0-. It is due to the fact that magnetic waves, tethering our brains to the Earth’s magnetic field, dictate certain behavioural attitudes. Beyond such ‘attitudes’, over which we have no control, there exists a plethora of variations such as gender, background, upbringing, dna, education, experience and God-only-knows-what-else. It is like a game-show, the luck of the draw, a lottery. One thing is for certain; each and every one of us is given a raw talent,…

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    A Message from ARDO CI

      “Sometimes observation & belief in conventional wisdom needs to be checked against a competing theory backed by empirical evidence.” Robert Currey – Astrologer Welcome Imagine the benefit to you and your company or business if you could be certain of the root personality of the individuals you employ or intend to employ or negotiate with.  Not the personality you see conveyed but the real one behind their actions.  Such an insight would enable great profit for your company and the people themselves because over and above their qualifications you would know their secret hidden driver which permeates their behaviour. So, no more round pegs in square holes. And what is…

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    VISIT OUR BUSINESS WEBSITE JANOMEE.COM Imagine the benefit to you and your company if you could be certain of the root personality of the individuals you employ or intend to employ. Not the personality you see conveyed but the real one behind their actions. Such an insight would enable great profit for your company and the people themselves because over and above their qualifications you would know their secret hidden driver which permeates their behaviour. So no more round pegs in square holes. And what is this miracle wand? Basically, we have magnetite in the brain which links our magnetic field to the Earth’s. It is identifiable and consists of…