Dr. Zhivago – a coincidence?
When people make a movie or anything that is in art or requires a collective such as in music, you can see a strange ‘coincidence’ happen if that is your take on what is happening. What I see is an invisible recognition of people’s magnetic attractors to one another. If you have looked at the music groups section here you will see what I mean. The Beatles including George Martin were the only group of the 1960’s who were made up of each one of the 5 magnetic types and you can see their gel and their interactions clearly. The only other group I found which had each one of the 5 magnetic types were The Travelling Wilburys. Oddly, both had George Harrison in them.
So, looking at the film world I was astonished to see that in the making of Dr. Zhivago, the director and the majority of the stars were born in the sign of Aries.
- David Lean 25 March 1908 Aries/Monkey. 2+/2-
- Omar Sharif. 10 April 1932. Aries/Monkey 2+/2-
- Julie Christie 14 April 1940 Aries/Dragon 4+/0-
- Rod Steiger. 14 April 1925. Aries/Dragon. 2+/2-
- Alec Guinness. 2 April 1914 Aries/Tiger 3+/1-
Also in the film
Tom Courtenay. 25 February 1937. Pisces/Ox. 1+/3-
Geraldine Chaplin. 31 July 1944 Leo/Monkey. 4+/0-
Ralph Richardson 19 December 1902 Sagittarius/Tiger 3+/1-
Rita Tushingham. 14 March 1942 Pisces/Horse. 1+/3-
Siobhan McKenna. 24 May 1923 Gemini/Pig 2+/2-
Klaus Kinski. 18 October 1926. Libra/Tiger 4+/0-
The dynamism in the film is incredible. Here we have 5 people who are Aries and on leading actor, Courtenay, not an Aries, made up for by the Director, Lean, who was. Noteworthy too is that there were 3 actors out of 10 who were 4+/0- magnetic type. That’s a recipe for friction. Of the 11 above making up 44 polarities, there was a total of 28+ and 16- which reveals the huge dynamic within this excellent award-winning film.