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Motivational Behaviour of the 5 Types

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.2 x (+ + + +)     2 x (— — — —)     13 x (+ — + —)     8 x (— + — —)     8 x (+ — + +)
Note: The actual placement of the + or — is not important. For example (+ — — +) is the same as (— — + +) or (+ + — —) and has the same meaning.

♂ 4+ MALES are 
Gemini, Libra & Aquarius in the years of the Tiger, Horse & Dog  (+ + + +)
♀ 4+FEMALES are
Aries, Leo & Sagittarius in the years of the Rat, Dragon & Monkey (+ + + +)

Putting any of these combinations together will cause excessive friction. They will push away from each other like two magnets of positive polarity.  They have only one direction – extroverted. They are supreme soloists and make poor team players unless in charge of the team.  In business, if you want a person who will get things done without fear or favour, mistakes and all, then these are your dreamboats.  If you want to see a love affair between two of them stand well back because there’s going to be murder.  Their relationships with any of the other four polarity types is ‘surface’ and works better or worse depending on the preparedness of the others to give way and by how much and that is down to who is the strongest at the time.  That said, they are naturally attracted to others with more rather than less dynamic energy even when it’s bad for them like with  (+ — + +) types who they enjoy dominating or at least think they can dominate. (+ — + +) are almost like 4+ types except they are able to absorb the energy of others with their 1-. Frankly, I think they are attracted to 4+ types because they love a party. Very dynamic duo these two together but they tire each other out.

Out of 288 magnetic types of people, there are 18 who are (+ + + +)

How Do 4+ People Get Along With Others?

With 3+/1- types: 4+ are attracted to 3+/1- and believe they can eat them for breakfast or, at least think they can. 3+/1- is attracted to 4+ because of their ‘enthusiasm’ but eventually they get subdued by the relentlessness of 4+ – remember no inlet valve!  The initial attraction comes about because of the enormous amount of transmitters sparking each other off. Later it becomes a trial.

With 2+/2- types: 4+get on very well with them but 2+/2- types react full-on with their overbearing attitudes which, unlike the 3+/1- types, the 2=/2- won’t easily accept. Not often will you find a match of these two as the 2+/2- types like balance and peace and they won’t get that from the dynamical 4+.

With 1+/3- types: 4+ are very attracted to 1+/3- because they have so many absorbers but the 4+ tire of them easily like a cat playing with a mouse.  4+ wants more dynamic action even though they know it is bad for them. They would have an ideal partnership with 1+/3- if they could only let it happen but they can’t. Sadly, 1+/3- type would love it if they did stay the course.

With 0+/4- types: they present 4+ with a perfect foil for one another. They balance each other out but whereas the 4+ types normally try to dominate, with 4- people that behaviour just gets soaked up and 4- quietly does the dominating. It’s the best chance for success with anyone that the 4+ type can expect to have but it only happens if the 4- wants it to happen.


♂ 4- MALES are
Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces in the years of the Cat, Goat & Pig (— — — —)
♀ 4- FEMALES are
Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn in the years of the Buffalo, Snake & Rooster (— — — —)

Here we have the distinct opposite of the above 4+ lot whereby, putting any of these combinations together, will provide no friction whatsoever. Having the same polarity, there is nothing to enable linkage. They simply rub off each other like two magnets with no polarity.  They can easily work together but without any impetus so they seem to nullify each other out.  Not too bad together in a team but it’s a rare occurrence; better if they are in separate areas. Two of them alone together is possible but rare and can only be recognised as the most lacklustre pairing you’re ever likely to meet. That doesn’t mean they aren’t able people in a solo way – quite the contrary, they surely are – but being put together, they can’t inspire each other. Certainly, don’t send them out on a sales mission together.  They get on well with all the other polarity types but, because they have huge absorbers and no ‘shocks’ themselves, they crave energy from others like a battery needs a dynamo in a car to give energy back to it or it quickly drains away. Oddly, that said, they don’t get on very well with (+ + + +) types but, then again, no one does!

Out of 288 magnetic types of people, there are 18 who are (— — — —)

How Do 4- People Get Along With Others?

With 3+/1- types: it’s ‘bingo’ time! 4- really enjoys the high dynamics, party-going,  lover-of-the-stage 3+/1-. 4 -people can soak up all the energy without doing much themselves and enjoy basking in the glory of the 3+/1- while puppet-like controlling their actor who, in turn, gives a cast-iron guarantee of satisfaction for money.

With 2+/2- types: ensures a strong relationship. The 2- element allies to the waves of the 4- while the 2+ polarity gives the kickers and sparks to generate enough to drive the alliance.

With 1+/3- types: the 1+ in this combination is like a little spark trying to start the fire. It strikes and strikes and strikes again and that’s it. One is the coals, the other is a few embers with a little spark working hard to make it flame up but the 4- feeds off transmitters and one just doesn’t do it.

With 4+/0- types: they present 4- with a perfect  partner for one another. They balance each other out but whereas the 4+ types normally try to dominate, with 4- polarity in attendance, that behaviour just gets soaked up and 4- quietly does the dominating. They enhance and more, endure, the excesses of 4+ but 4- types give them the best chance for success with anyone that the 4+ type can expect to have.

♂ 3+/1- MALES are
Gemini, Libra & Aquarius in the years of the Rat, Dragon & Monkey (+ + — +)
Gemini, Libra & Aquarius in the years of the Buffalo, Snake & Rooster (+ + + —)
Aries, Leo & Sagittarius in the years of the Tiger, Horse & Dog  (— + + +)
Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn in the years of the Tiger, Horse & Dog  (+ — + +)
♀ 3+/1- FEMALES are
Gemini, Libra & Aquarius in the years of the Rat, Dragon & Monkey (— + + +)

Aries, Leo & Sagittarius in the years of the Tiger, Horse & Dog  (+ + — +)
Aries, Leo & Sagittarius in the years of the Cat, Goat & Pig (+ + + —)
Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces in the years of the Rat, Dragon & Monkey (+ — + +)

Here we have eight streams of magnetic type 3+/1-. They are extremely dynamic people, love being on the stage, or at least acting as if they are on it, but, strangely, once they are off it they appear to be the most introspective people you could ever meet. You could almost say they are depressed!  Actually, they are recharging their batteries, as they often have to do, having expended their big personalities on every-day dealings with the human race. They make the best sales people. Light and energetic they are real party smarties, natural engaging with great conversations and wide knowledge.  They love a party, company, fronting a group or a team, razzmatazz of all kinds. But what makes them so endearing is that when the part’s over, so are they as they will quietly withdraw into a shell-like existence . It’s not shyness, obviously, just the need to recover for the next bout.  As employees they make fantastic – the best – front men and women.  They could literally sell sand to the Arabs or anything where they need to present a face to the public or the team.  As employers, they are slightly loose canons, because they are compromised by their innate desire to party with their worry of responsibility.

Out of 288 magnetic types of people, there are 72 who are (+ — + +)

How Do 3+/1- People Get Along With Others?

With 4+/0- types: See above

With 3+/1- types: High octane togetherness two of these together means ‘party-party’. They drive each other on and their two inlet valves work perfectly to quell the sparks of either one taking over the other.

With 2+/2- types: Of all the combinations between any two, this pairing is the strongest of all. Frankly, the 2+/2- types do tire of the incessant charge of the 3+/1- types but even so, they can’t stop the love.

With 1+/3- types: Well, as with everyone, 3+/1- gets along famously with 1+/3- and is a particularly good match for the latter. 1+/3- has a steadying and calming influence over 3+/1- but because they are at the pinnacle of the scale pile, being one-for-one direct opposites, they are their own destroyers out of natural attraction. They need an extra + or – to kick on.

With 4+/0- types: See above

♂ 1+/3- MALES are
Aries, Leo & Sagittarius in the years of the Cat, Goat & Pig (— + — —)
Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn in the years of the Cat, Goat & Pig (+ — — —)
Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces in the years of the Rat, Dragon & Monkey (— — — +)
Scorpio & Pisces in the years of the Buffalo, Snake & Rooster (— — + —)
♀ 1+/3 FEMALES are
Gemini, Libra & Aquarius in the years of the Buffalo, Snake & Rooster (— + — —)
Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn in the years of the Tiger, Horse & Dog  (— — — +)
Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn in the years of the Cat, Goat & Pig (— — + —)
Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces in the years of the Buffalo, Snake & Rooster (+ — — —)

These are the direct polar opposites of 3+/1- types described above and these 1+/3- types are the backbone of civilization. Presenting an ‘on-the-face-of-it’ timid behaviour impression, they are anything but. They are strong and supportive, solid and dependable. The kind of businesses they might run will be underpinned by steely determination with a friendly face but it will seem dull. They like a good laugh but their leaning towards ‘being responsible’ gives them an unnecessarily slightly over-the-top serious approach. Their decency shines through and no better a person you will find to comfort you if you are ever in trouble.  As employees they can be utterly relied upon in every way.  They make great party hosts too.  They beam as you enter and make you feel very special but once you’re in, you are left to your own devices and may not see your host very often but rest assured they will be attentive to your needs at all times. Where their natural opposites, the (+ + — +)  are light and flighty, these are not. Making decisions can take a long time.

Out of 288 magnetic types of people, there are 72 who are (+ — — —)

How Do 1+/3- People Get Along With Others?

With 4+/0- types: See above

With 3+/1- types:  See above

With 2+/2- types: A good combination this, although the seriousness of the 1+/3- type on the lighter 2+/2- grates a little from time to time. They can work together in harmony and with great success and have a healthy respect for one another

With 1+/3- types: These are like soulmates but, because they are laid back, neither can take the helm so things drift along rather than drive forward. This rends to give rise to disputes and eventually they simply regroup because it takes too much effort to be bothered to do otherwise. Naturally attracted to one another with their energy going in the same direction.

With 4+/0- types: See above

♂ 2+/2- MALES are
Gemini, Libra & Aquarius in the years of the Cat, Goat & Pig (+ + — —)
Aries, Leo & Sagittarius in the years of the Rat, Dragon & Monkey (— + — +)
Aries, Leo & Sagittarius in the years of the Buffalo, Snake & Rooster (— + + —)
Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn in the years of the Rat, Dragon & Monkey (+ — — +)
Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn in the years of the Buffalo, Snake & Rooster (+ — + —)
Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces in the years of the Tiger, Horse & Dog  (— — + +)
♀ 2+/2- FEMALES are
Gemini, Libra & Aquarius in the years of the Tiger, Horse & Dog  (— + — +)

Gemini, Libra & Aquarius in the years of the Cat, Goat & Pig (— + + —)
Aries, Leo & Sagittarius in the years of the Buffalo, Snake & Rooster (+ + — —)
Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn in the years of the Rat, Dragon & Monkey (— — + +)
Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces in the years of the Tiger, Horse & Dog  (+ — — +)
Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces in the years of the Cat, Goat & Pig (+ — + —)

Where the other four magnetic types each have a natural opposite, 2+/2- are their own opposite and this is the reason there are so many more of them.  The key word here is ‘balance’. They are driven by seeking and providing it both in other people’s conduct and behaviour as well as their own.  They swing both ways but like a pendulum they always come back to the center.  They are equal in giving and taking about everything, always seeking the middle-ground or fairness.  As employees, they can apply themselves to any position but their particular forte is in underpinning situations rather like a king-maker rather than a king.  They make excellent judges in all positions where assessment is required. As employers, they are shrewd, fair and extremely reliable in management and often rely with confidence and without jealousy on the wisdom of others to relay the information they may not have attained themselves. But they will make the decision necessary in the end.

Out of 288 magnetic types of people, there are 108 who are (+ + — —)

How Do 2+/2- People Get Along With Others?

With 4+/0- types: See above

With 3+/1- types:  See above

With 2+/2- types: Two peas in a pod, they get along famously. Give and take in equal measure, both fair and equal. Can be relied on to do what’s necessary and have the unique appearance of togetherness whilst maintaining serious individuality.

With 1+/3- types: See above

With 4+/0- types: See above

The ‘+’ indicates dynamic male ♂ magnetic energy whilst the ‘-‘ indicates laconic female ♀ magnetic energy.

Male ♂ energy is dynamic; female 12 energy is laconic.

One gives, the other receives.

The more transmitters, the lighter the person, the more extrovert the personality

The more receivers, the deeper the person, the more introvert the personality

Within the male there can be female ♀ energy and, conversely, within the female, there can be male magnetic energy

CLICK HERE to see a table of the relationships between each type on a one-to-one basis.